A baby's first birthday is very special. It is an important milestone, and your baby memory book should feature it. Most often parents celebrate it by throwing a big or a small party. It is an ideal occasion to capture many 'firsts' and 'adorable' moments. For instance, your baby's reaction to his/her first birthday cake, meeting other babies and kids, opening his/her first birthday gift, and so on. Include the most adorable pictures in your baby memory book. Do not forget to include the picture of the cake, as well as the party invitation card. You can keep the birthday candle and the plastic birthday knife in your book's keepsake.
Depending on the space available in your baby memory book, you may also include the pictures of the party decorations, the gift table, and the people who attended the party, especially the children. You can write down what and all gifts your baby received, as well as who gave what. If you are truly passionate about your baby memory book, you can record each and every moment from the party. It is when you are old that you truly benefit from all this. The joy that you would feel reliving these moments will totally be worth the time you spend on it now.
From the second birthday onwards, you do not have to be so detailed when it comes to recording it in your baby memory book. If you can do it, definitely do it or else just a few pictures and a brief description will do. You have to be practical when it comes to your baby memory book. End of the day, it is not about a lot of items in your book's keepsake and a lot of pictures with descriptions all over. Keep it neat, and manageable. A Ronica baby memory book will help you to do just that.